Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Before and After

Since I am a college student I am able to get software for super cheap. Now, I need to let you know I am SO NOT computer savvy so I rely on Matt when it comes to adding or deleting anything to the computers. So, this past semester he sent me to the campus bookstore with a list of software to buy (I had no idea what I was buying, just going off the list). The only thing I was concerned about was the Photoshop.

I have had this now for months and have never had the time to really sit down and try to figure it out. Let me tell ya, when I first started playing with it I was completely out of my league. I immediatley began searching for some tutorials to help me out because I have NO idea what I am doing.

I just finished my first (of what is definitely going to be many) tutorial. Let me know what you all think.




MJ said...

Super cute!!! I just LOVE Drew's chubby cheeks and smile.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Hope to see a photo of all the family together, soon. Manna