The other day he asked if he could ride his bike with one of the boys I was watching who is 9. So, they went out to get his bike and within minutes Zach came running in yelling that Drew had a fishing hook stuck in his finger. So I go running out and sure enough, Drew is crouched down in front of the garage with a fish hanging from his finger. The garage door wasn't even open so I am assuming the hook was caught under the door.
Poor Drew is on the ground screaming so I yell for Jaxon and he comes and opens the garage door. I tried to pull the hook out not knowing that is a "no no." But, as soon as I did, I realized it wasn't going to come out so we loaded Drew into the van and headed to the E.R.

By the time we were out of the addition Drew had stopped crying and was just checking over the hook hanging from his finger.

Luckily they weren't busy so they were able to get us in right away. I had Jaxon with me and he texted Matt while we were on our way so he was able to meet us there. If you have never seen a hook removed, all I can tell ya is it is interesting. They numbed up his finger with 5 shots, but the fish part off the hook and then pushed the hook all the way through his finger so they could pull it out. Apparently because of the barb, you can't pull it back out, instead it has to be pushed all the way through. I felt so bad for Drew. He was screaming like I have never heard him do before. Although they numbed it, they had to numb it more because he was feeling it. But, as soon as it was out, he was fine. They cleaned the area, gave him an antibiotic and sent him home with a band-aid on his finger. He was ready to go home and show off his awesome camouflage band-aid to the other kids.
The nurses and doctors kept asking him if he caught a fish and how big it was. So you can imagine how funny it was when I told them he wasn't fishing, just trying to get his bike out of the garage.
As soon as we got home, the kids were waiting on him, but he didn't have time to talk about it because he was more concerned with wanting to ride his bike.
Fundraiser Update:
The Vera Bradely Fundraiser is set to end this Friday, but it hasn't done as well as we had hoped so we may extend a few more weeks. We were hoping to at least cover the cost of what he paid for all the purses. These are beautiful purses and would be great to keep or to give away as a gift. But, the best thing about them is knowing that by making a donation you have helped another child be united with her forever family. We have overcome many, many hurdles with Kalia's adoption and we are still remaining faithful that He will provide.
Below are the details about the Vera Bradely Fundraiser to bring Kalia home. Please e-mail me at if you have any questions.
I have also been getting tons of e-mails about the clothes I posted a few weeks ago. YES I will be selling more. I am working on fall designs now and I can promise you it will be worth the wait.
Sorry, one more thing. We just found out that we have been awarded a grant from Brittany's Hope for $1000.00. This is a matching grant which means we need to raise $500.00 and they will match this up to $1000.00. We are so thankful for this grant and cannot wait to see what else He has planned for us.
#1. This is the Buttercup pattern. This set includes the Honor Roll duffel bag, Tootsie purse, Please Hold wallet and the Make Me Up makeup bag. This would make a great set for a little girl or even a tween.

#2. This is the Purple Punch pattern. You will get the Saddle Up purse, Double Eye eye glass case, and the Compact Wallet.

#3. This is the Puccini pattern. You will get the Double Eye eye glass case, and the Taxi Wallet.

#4. This is the Bali Gold pattern. This set includes the Stephanie purse, Double Eye eye glass case, and the Compact Wallet.

#5. This is the Carnably pattern. This is the Stephanie purse, the Double Eye eye glass case, and the Euro Wallet.

#6. Make Me Blush pattern. This is the Reversible Tote purse, and the matching Taxi Wallet.

#7. This is the Call Me Coral pattern. This is for the Cha Cha Hadbag, and the matching Best Bud wallet.

#8. This is the Patchwork pattern. This is for the Medley Tote.

#9. Palm Beach Gardens Pattern. This is for the Pretty Tote purse.

#10. This is the Day and Night pattern. This is the Comin Up Roses Handbag and the matchin Best Buds Wallet.

#11. This is the Loves Me pattern. This is for the Comin Up Roses Handbag and the matching Best Buds wallet.

I know pretty cool, uh? These are some great bags for both big girls and little girls. Emma has one of the Tootise purse and Best Buds wallet and LOVES them. In fact, she was begging me to let her keep the Buttercup set, but backed off when she realized it was to bring Keliah home.
So, here's the deal. All you have to do is follow the instructions below and you will be entered to win one of these awesome prizes.
1. For every $25.00 donated, you will receive 5 entries!
2. For every $50.00 donated, you will receive 10 entries plus a free bracelet (pictured below) in your choice of color.
3. Post about the fundraiser on your blog, receive 3 entires!
4. Post about it on facebook, receive 3 entries!
5. Become a follower, receive 3 entries!
Please use the Chip In button to the right. I know there are some people who do not like or don't have a paypal account so if you would rather donate another way, please contact me at

I'm glad Drew is OK. That is quite a fish(hook) tale! :)
We got Sarah's black and white outfit and it is beyond ADORABLE. Thank you so much! I'm going to post pictures of it on my blog soon. :)
Oh my word... that little stinker! How is it that boys always seem to find trouble!?! I already 'knew' the process of removing that fish hook before you explained it (living in Minnesota, "The Land of 10,000 Lakes" ya just know this stuff!!) but SO glad to hear that Drew is gonna be just fine. Yikes, I still feel so bad that he had to go through all of that.
Anyway, I also wanted to say that I'm glad you are extending your fund-raiser. I want to support you again, and certainly will.... I'm just trying to spread out the donation funds and 'share' the love for those who are closer to their travels. But you are on my list and I will make a donation soon. Praying and trusting that God will supply ALL of your needs (as He always has!!) He is faithful and I know He will see you through!
Blessings and Hugs,
~ Tanya
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