Last week, when we were doubting whether we were doing the right thing, He showed us that with prayer and faith, anything is possible. We started out with needing $890 and now only need $365! We went from doubting to believing.
Someone asked us the other day how our fundraiser was going. We told them that it was doing well, but that we still needed to raise a little more money. They then asked how much we needed total and Matt and I both kind of chuckled and said "oh, we don't even think about that, we have to take this one step at a time, or it will just get too overwhelming.
My hope was to be able to mail our I-800A today, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen so I am hoping and praying that everything will work out and we will be able to mail it by mid week, or by Friday at the latest. As much as I want to jump on a plane right now and bring Keliah home, I have to remind myself that it is not about my wants and needs at all and that when He is ready for us to be united with our daughter, He will move heaven and earth to get us there. His timing, as always will be perfect.
We have had several people e-mail us to say they can't donate right now but that we are in their prayers and that they are praying we raise the money needed. I just want to say that any and all prayers are just as important if not more. He will hear those prayers and He will answer them, He already is.
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