So, I am sure by now you have all noticed the Chip-in button on our sidebar. That whoppin $6595.00 is the amount we need to raise before we can send out dossier to China. We are still $5228.00 short. To most, that is an enormous amount of money that still needs to be raised in only 3 or 4 days. But I know He has a plan, and that plan is bigger than any amount of money. I have seen so much more raised in less time, and I know that it can be done.
$5228.00 is all we need to get our dossier to China. I say all because that is nothing when you look at the big picture. (We are SO close, but I feel like we are still So far away). That's it, not a penny more. We will be doing other fundraisers, giveaways, etc. to help raise the rest of the money we need. Right now we are just going at this one step at a time.
We need $5228.00 to get our dossier to China, and my dear, dear friend Connie is just weeks from traveling to get not one, but two beautiful little girls who are waiting to be united with their forever family. Kasidi and Kennah are adorable little girls who are about to have their worlds turned upside down, in a good way.
Here's what Connie wrote in an e-mail recently:
"Dear Friends~
We will be officially awaiting TA within a week! I'm excited and scared all at the same time :) Excited to hold my Treasures, scared to travel without my amazing hubby, scared of Kasidi's 'unknowns' with spina bifida, but so excited about what the Lord has done in our family and in our hearts.
As you know, we started this journey with nothing and surrendered to the Lord's plans, asking for His complete provision.
He's been so completely faithful, as always! Here we are at the end, bringing home 2 precious Treasures. With travel fees coming due, we are still short $17,000 to get both girls home without incurring more debt.
No doubt He will provide!
I'm emailing you to ask for your prayers as we reach the finish line.
The Lord has also taught us much about giving during this process. Every time we've given to another adoptive family He has multiplied the blessing back to us - so like Him!
I can't wait till we have our girls home and are able to 'pay it forward' by helping other families raise funds."
My immediate reaction after reading this e-mail was "how can we help?" We have a need too, but right now, they do too, and they are SO close to traveling. I sat in silence for awhile, thinking, and praying. "What can we do?" Sure, we could donate, but it would be much. I know all too well that NO amount is too small, but I really felt like we could do more.
So, here's the deal...
Anything we raise over the $5228.00 will go directly to Connie and her family to bring their two daughters home. Just today they found out that someone from their Church is offering a $5000 matching grant. That means anything that is donated to them is automatically doubled up to $5000! ANY amount we are able to raise over and beyond the amount we need, will go into Connie's matching grant fund. At this point, I just want to get out dossier to China, and at the same time, I feel like I need to help them as well. I KNOW this can be done.
Not only do you have the chance to win an iPad 2, your choice of cover, and an iTunes gift card, but more importantly, you will know that you helped unite THREE beautiful girls with their forever families.

Hi Mandy,
Just donated, am now following, and will post about your fundraiser on my blog. What an inspiration you are. We leave next weekend to bring our two home from Ethiopia...finally!!!
Sue Skees passed on your info.
Angie Donaldson
Hi Mandi,
I wanted to let you know we have should have 4 entries 1 chipin, 1 for Facebook 1 posting on our blog And one for becoming a follower! I was already a follower but not formally. I have been following for some time and have loved watching your family grow!
To see the Lord work and move and now watch Him bless you again! I pray you will receive all the funds you need and fast!!!
Deb Babet
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