CALM DOWN, it's not what you think! As I was typing this blog title I realized that many of you would immediatlely think of something else, like bringing two home again. Sorry to disappoint, but not gonna happen. With all the bumps we have encountered this time around, we are just going to be happy to get Keliah home.
We are once again launching a fundraiser to help bring our daughter home. We recently found out that because of the exchange rate, alot of our in China fees and expenses have increased. For example, the orphanage donation has increased from $5000 to $5400. Now $400 may not seem like alot, but when you are looking at the big picture, it is HUGE!
We are fortunate enough to live in the same city as the corporate offices of Vera Bradley. Once a year they hold a sale at the colisiem and it is a big deal. People come from all over to go to this sale. It starts on Wednsday and goes until Sunday. Each day they do markdowns and by Sunday most things are pretty inexpensive. People started lining up Saturday night for the doors to open Sunday morning.
So, because of the sale I was able to score some pretty cool bags, purses, and accessories. I have been holding on to them knowing that I would use them as a fundraise and wanted to wait until the right time.
We found out on Monday that we have a LID of 6/13 (this means that China has received our dossier and has logged it in to their system) which was much faster than our agency expected. Since we are reusing our dossier there has been some talk that things may move faster, but nothing definite. So just in case things do move faster than expected, which would be awesome, we want to make sure we are ready to go when China says we can go.
This is gonna be a pretty big giveaway. Unfortunately we can't do a big ticket item like before, but the good thing is that not one, not two, not even three, but 11 people will have a chance to win one of the follwing gift bags below.

#1. This is the Buttercup pattern. This set includes the Honor Roll duffel bag, Tootsie purse, Please Hold wallet and the Make Me Up makeup bag. This would make a great set for a little girl or even a tween.

#2. This is the Purple Punch pattern. You will get the Saddle Up purse, Double Eye eye glass case, and the Compact Wallet.

#3. This is the Puccini pattern. You will get the Double Eye eye glass case, and the Taxi Wallet.

#4. This is the Bali Gold pattern. This set includes the Stephanie purse, Double Eye eye glass case, and the Compact Wallet.

#5. This is the Carnably pattern. This is the Stephanie purse, the Double Eye eye glass case, and the Euro Wallet.

#6. Make Me Blush pattern. This is the Reversible Tote purse, and the matching Taxi Wallet.

#7. This is the Call Me Coral pattern. This is for the Cha Cha Hadbag, and the matching Best Bud wallet.

#8. This is the Patchwork pattern. This is for the Medley Tote.

#9. Palm Beach Gardens Pattern. This is for the Pretty Tote purse.

#10. This is the Day and Night pattern. This is the Comin Up Roses Handbag and the matchin Best Buds Wallet.

#11. This is the Loves Me pattern. This is for the Comin Up Roses Handbag and the matching Best Buds wallet.

I know pretty cool, uh? These are some great bags for both big girls and little girls. Emma has one of the Tootise purse and Best Buds wallet and LOVES them. In fact, she was begging me to let her keep the Buttercup set, but backed off when she realized it was to bring Keliah home.
So, here's the deal. All you have to do is follow the instructions below and you will be entered to win one of these awesome prizes.
1. For every $25.00 donated, you will receive 5 entries!
2. For every $50.00 donated, you will receive 10 entries plus a free bracelet (pictured below) in your choice of color.
3. Post about the fundraiser on your blog, receive 3 entires!
4. Post about it on facebook, receive 3 entries!
5. Become a follower, receive 3 entries!
Please use the Chip In button to the right. I know there are some people who do not like or don't have a paypal account so if you would rather donate another way, please contact me at

Do you have a date for the ending of the fundraiser, or did I miss it in the post?? Thanks :-)
Really beautiful stuff. You always do an amazing job with your fundraisers.
I love the little hand holding up the wallets!
Hi sweet friend~!
i cannot help you with the funds right now. John doesn't have a permanent job past 7 July. If the job comes through, you know we will help you, giveaway or not. :)
i did post it on my blog, on Facebook and will tweet about it too.
Hoping this helps bring your sweet girl home soon!
Much love,
p.s. did i tell you that Adahlyn prays for Drew every night?!
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