This summer has been crazy busy and is already almost over for the kids. Blake and Jaxon have football conditioning and practice everyday from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. but starting next week until noon. Blake has played football since he was about 9 and really has a passion for it. This will be Jaxon's first year, but I am certain he will do just fine.
After three years of being in casts, undergoing surgeries and being in physical therapy, Mylee is finally able to enjoy her summers in the water and at the lake. This is the first year she has been cast free in the summer and she is really making up for lost time. She spends every weekend at the lake in the water from the time she gets up until she goes to bed at night.

Another thing she is doing and has waited three years to do is ballet. She has wanted to dance ever since she saw Emma in one of her dance recitals, but because of her legs she hasn't been able to. The dance studio Emma goes to offers a 5 week class in the summer and Mylee is so excited to be taking her very first ballet class. She practices daily and is more than willing to show anyone who will watch.
Speaking of dance, it seems to be quite the trend in our house because not only is Emma (she takes the summers off) and Mylee taking, but Drew is taking a Hip Hop class and is loving it. It is right up his alley. He and the neighbor boy who is also 5 are taking it together. And if that wasn't enough, Blake and Jaxon will start a teenage Hip Hop class next week. Jaxon has been asking to take for some time but the dance studio didn't have an all boys class. Blake has wanted to take because he thinks it will help with football. So, after months of trying to put together a class, they will finally start next week. I know Jaxon is so excited about it. As a matter of fact, we have been hearing this thumping sound for quite a while from upstairs and could not figure out what it was. I finally figured it out the other day. He is watching dance shows on You Tube and teaching himself to dance at night. He doesn't know we know and I have no plans of telling him.
Gabe and Emma are just chilling this summer. Emma is working really hard to save her money for China. She has a "job" tutoring the little boy next door once or twice a week. He is 5 and she just thinks it is so cool that she is tutoring him. She has put together a notebook and even lesson plans for him. She would make a great teacher someday.
Gabe trying to make a fire with a toy magnifying glass. I think he sat there for at least 20 minutes before walking away. He did not give up because later that day he was at it again.

As of today we are on day 43 of our LOA wait. I was really hoping to have had it by now, but I just keep telling myself everything is in His time
As for me, remember this picture from a few months ago...

Well, I will be sharing all about it later this afternoon.
Cant wait to see what you have going for the fabric!! We are also back up and running...(or rather sewing)
my little went her what I'll consider her first dance class this week (it's actually not but the one she took last fall ended in disaster so sweep it under the rug baby & start fresh). excited about that fabric!!
Can't wait to see what you have in mind for all that beautiful fabric!
Praying for your fundraiser!
We still don't have a job, but, are praying mightily for you!!!
Many blessings to you and yours,
P.S. i can hardly wait til you post a video of Drew hip hop dancing! Adahlyn will love it! :)
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