As of today we are on day 51 of our LOA wait. We truely have no idea how much longer it could take. Originally we were told that once we were DTC, things would mroe than likely be much faster since we were reusing our dossier from Jaxon and Drew, but so far, NOTHING has been any faster.
I will admit as much as I want to see an e-mail letting us know our LOA has arrived, there are days when I am hesitant to check my e-mail for fear that it will be there. Don't get me wrong, we want Keliah home as soon as possible. We cannot wait to get her home and make her a part of our family. But, the reality is that we just don't have the money. To be honest, if we got a call today saying we could leave tomorrow to get her, we would have to say "no." I get so stressed out when I think about it, and am constantly reminding myself that God has shown us more than one time that we are on the right path, and that I just need to let go and let Him remain in control. But it is SOOOOOO hard.
So, if you cant' help out monetarily with the fundraiser, we completely understand. But if you can spread the word, that would be just as awesome! I know this can be done, I have seen time and time again. I know in the end, He will provide, and I just keep telling myself to be patient.
This adoption has been by far the most difficult, the most stressful, and just plain hard. But I also know that at the end, when I am able to wrap my arms around Keliah, all the ups, all the downs, all the roadblocks, the mountains, and even the snags, will be worth it.
"Faith sees the invisible,believes the incredible,and receives the impossible." ~Unknown~
The other change has been with with a name. When Matt and I decided to take yet another huge leap of faith, we knew instantly that the name Faith seemed so appropriate. We knew instantly once we lad our eyes on her that her middle name would be Faith. And surprisingly, her first name was not a hard decision either. We had heard the name Keliah and both fell in love with it. What we didn't know, was that by spelling it the way we did, it would create so much confusion. Unless they have heard it, not many people know how to pronounce her name which is pronounces Ka lee a.
So, in an effort to make it easier on everyone, we are thinking of changing the spelling. Instead of Keliah Faith, we are thinking Kalia Faith. I actually sat and wrote it over an over the other day, both ways and think that the new spelling is so beautiful when written out in cursive.
What do you all think? Any imput would be greatly appreciated.
So, that is it for the changes, for now at least. Please be sure to check out the awesome Vera Bradley sets up for auction and PLEASE spread the word.
#1. This is the Buttercup pattern. This set includes the Honor Roll duffel bag, Tootsie purse, Please Hold wallet and the Make Me Up makeup bag. This would make a great set for a little girl or even a tween.

#2. This is the Purple Punch pattern. You will get the Saddle Up purse, Double Eye eye glass case, and the Compact Wallet.

#3. This is the Puccini pattern. You will get the Double Eye eye glass case, and the Taxi Wallet.

#4. This is the Bali Gold pattern. This set includes the Stephanie purse, Double Eye eye glass case, and the Compact Wallet.

#5. This is the Carnably pattern. This is the Stephanie purse, the Double Eye eye glass case, and the Euro Wallet.

#6. Make Me Blush pattern. This is the Reversible Tote purse, and the matching Taxi Wallet.

#7. This is the Call Me Coral pattern. This is for the Cha Cha Hadbag, and the matching Best Bud wallet.

#8. This is the Patchwork pattern. This is for the Medley Tote.

#9. Palm Beach Gardens Pattern. This is for the Pretty Tote purse.

#10. This is the Day and Night pattern. This is the Comin Up Roses Handbag and the matchin Best Buds Wallet.

#11. This is the Loves Me pattern. This is for the Comin Up Roses Handbag and the matching Best Buds wallet.

I know pretty cool, uh? These are some great bags for both big girls and little girls. Emma has one of the Tootise purse and Best Buds wallet and LOVES them. In fact, she was begging me to let her keep the Buttercup set, but backed off when she realized it was to bring Keliah home.
So, here's the deal. All you have to do is follow the instructions below and you will be entered to win one of these awesome prizes.
1. For every $25.00 donated, you will receive 5 entries!
2. For every $50.00 donated, you will receive 10 entries plus a free bracelet (pictured below) in your choice of color.
3. Post about the fundraiser on your blog, receive 3 entires!
4. Post about it on facebook, receive 3 entries!
5. Become a follower, receive 3 entries!
Please use the Chip In button to the right. I know there are some people who do not like or don't have a paypal account so if you would rather donate another way, please contact me at

yep, I was pronouncing it "ke-LIE-a" ... Kalia is a much better & prettier spelling (though this way I place the emphasis on the first syllable: KA-lia instead of ka-LEE-a)
I think Kalia is better. I was wondering how to pronounce her name also.It's a very pretty name for a very pretty girl.
We got our LOA on July 8. It took 52 days. Yours has got to come soon. Hope it's tomorrow.
Oh that is very pretty! I was pronouncing it like Kayla. Anyway, first impression on the new spelling the L sound is heard kal ee uh. Or Kal eye uh. So would Kaleah or Kalea be an alternate spelling for ease of phonetics and pronunciation? Whatever you pick will be pretty! Mrs Y
Such a pretty name, but like your other comments have mentioned- even with the new spelling it seems like the emphasis is on ka-LIE-a pronunciation and not a "lee" middle syllable. Kaleah or Kalea would solve the pronunciation issue.
i like it the way it was... but, if you change it... i like that too!
I will continue to pray that the funds come through and will spread the word once again!
Please pray for Adahlyn tomorrow as she has to go under anesthesia for a procedure. Check out my facebook for more info.
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